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My songs end up being political more often than not, and the BIG ELECTION is comin' up soon, so I feel obliged to chime in with my own two cents on the state of politics these days. First, let's not kid ourselves- George W. Bush is without a doubt the worst president in U.S. history. I believe his administration was complicit with the Sept. 11 attacks, using them to whip the public into a patriotic fervor to gain support for their plans of world domination. Check out the 'Project for the New American Century' and their 'New Pearl Harbor' if you still don't believe it. Not to mention he's a moron and an embarrassment to all of us. But that being said, I'm not going to vote for Kerry. Anyone who is paying attention and still thinks things are going to be much better if Kerry is elected is in denial. Kerry comes from the same secret 'Skull and Bones' society of elitists and billionaires that Bush does. So, the question remains- should one bother to vote at all? I campaigned for and voted for Ralph Nader and the Green Party four years ago, and I don't regret it. Nader haters who blame him for what happened four years ago should ask themselves why, if the Democrats are so great, do they support a system in which the candidate who receives the most votes doesn't even win the election! But this time around Nader and the Greens are split, ignored or libeled in the media, and not very inspiring to the disaffected voter. Also, I consider myself an anarchist, and many anarchists believe that voting in this crooked system implies validation of the system, and it's better to steer clear of the whole mess. I disagree with that idea. Anyone who has been to Europe, as I have, knows that Western Europe, while by no means perfect, is a much more liberal, open-minded and environmentally sustainable society than the United Sates. I believe this is in a large part owing to their parliamentary system of government and their much higher election turnouts. Basically, when more people are involved in the system fewer people get shit on by the system. We need to work to make our lives better both from within the system and outside of it. In the 60's, the civil rights movement would never have succeeded with Martin Luther King Jr. and nonviolence alone- it needed Malcolm X, the Black Panthers, and the looming threat of race riots to get the job done. It's a yin-and-yang thing. And if more people bothered to vote over here then Bush would probably never have won in the first place. So, I say vote on Nov. 2, and spend the other 364 days of the year finding ways to slam dunk this rotten imposter of a democracy into the dust bin of history! I like the sound of that. And the more people who get involved now, the less reactionary the government and the piggies will be when the REVOLUTION finally comes. I think that's as coherent a statement as I can make about all this bullshit right now, but if you still aren't convinced check out the 'Don't Just Vote' campaign at www.dontjustvote.com. It's the most articulate and concise piece of propaganda that I've seen this vicious election cycle. Thanks for readin'. |